I stepped from Plank to Plank
A slow and cautious way
The Stars about my Head I felt
About my feet the Sea.

I knew not but the next
Would be my final inch -
This gave me that precarious Gait
Some call Experience.

Emily Dickinson, c. 1864

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

A wrench in my routine

Last Sunday's surprise

Well, now I can say that I have joined the huge number of people in the US who have had a doozy of a virus hit, and I am now in the process of getting over it. So that is the only thing on my mind today, Tuesday, and the reason I haven't joined the Happy Wanderers in their trip to Goose Rock. My adventure began on Saturday, when I woke feeling moderately good, but with a little bit of soreness as if I had worked out a bit too much. A scratchy throat wasn't much to worry about. Little did I know what was to come.

By the end of the day, I was barely able to stay awake until my usual early bedtime, so I went toddling off to bed. I didn't sleep well, and when I woke in the morning, I felt truly sick and figured I had picked up some sort of virus, not thinking about covid, since I had gotten my covid booster a week before. I think I probably got infected on Thursday when performing my volunteer duties during the lunch hour at the Senior Center. I was not wearing a mask, and I was exposed to numerous people over the course of three hours, as I went about helping to set up the tables, finding places for people to sit, and then getting them coffee or tea as they enjoyed their wonderful chicken pot pie lunch.

The timing of it all seemed to make Thursday the D-day for infection, but who knows for sure? On Saturday I went for a walk with my friend Steve, and felt only a little "under the weather." By Sunday morning, I called my friend John to cancel our breakfast plans, and I went back to bed. The main difficult symptoms was my sinuses, which felt like they were on fire. I had zero appetite, and the muscle aches by this time were coming on strong. As I lay in bed, I felt worse and worse as they day went on. I took my temperature and found it to be 100.7. (It eventually reached 101.) I also realized that I could barely hold myself upright and returned to my bed, not leaving it for the rest of the day and night, except to get up once to pee. I felt a little like I had been hit by a truck, as much as I hurt all over. I couldn't function at all, and the amazing thing was that I had zero appetite and could barely make myself drink, but I knew I had to. I had developed the covid cough, too.

I was so happy to have a sweet partner to take care of me, as much as he could anyway. I was really sick, not having experienced such misery since my last bout with the flu back in Colorado, years ago. He helped me take a covid test, with the result you can see above. The "test" line is really dark! After all the tests I have given myself before, now I know what a positive test result actually looks like. There was no doubt. I also ordered some more covid tests from Amazon.

Yesterday morning, Monday, I felt a little better after a night's unrestful sleep. I called the Senior Center to cancel my yoga class and let them know I have covid, so they can pass it along to the volunteer coordinator. And now, just a few days after the onset that was so painful, I am now well on the road to recovery. My temperature is down to normal, body aches almost gone, sinus still not quite right but much better. The weakness is not completely passed, but I can now make it to the bathroom without worrying if I might need help to get there. My appetite has returned, and I enjoyed a wonderful lunch that made me feel almost human again.

I still have a runny nose and bouts of sneezing, but that is all quite doable, and I would bet that by this tomorrow, I might feel like myself. I did get up today and did my Tibetan exercises (two days lost) and put on some actual clothes, not just my jammies. I've watched some TV and downloaded The Daily Show and The Colbert Report for some laughs. 

And now I can appreciate that an elderly old lady can actually recover fairly easily from covid, but I am convinced that all the shots and boosters I have received have helped to make this less severe. I have also developed a true compassion for all those people who did not make it through this awful disease, and I am truly grateful for all my friends and family who care what happens to me. I'm thinking that I will test myself again tomorrow to see what the results might be. It will be five days since the onset of symptoms, so maybe it won't be too long before I can venture out in the world again.



Far Side of Fifty said...

Glad to hear that you are getting over Covid, still be kind to yourself and don't over do!

Red said...

I'm sorry to hear that covid came calling on you. It can be a very miserable journey. I would think that you being in excellent physical condition and in good health has helped you to turn this around . I hope you recover quickly.

Linda Reeder said...

Well, since it hit hard, I'm glad it hit fast and you are almost recovered already.
I have been experiencing what I believe is an allergy attack. I do get them this time of the year, so I'm hoping that's what it is.

Betsy said...

I've been praying for you since your last post and I'm happy to hear that you're on your way back to normal. Don't do too much and take it easy for a few more days even if you feel well. It can rebound and it's not pretty. :-)
Blessings and hugs,

Rian said...

DJan, so sorry to hear that Covid has hit you... hope your hubby doesn't get it. When DH had it in 2021, I didn't get it. But when I got it this past July, he did also. It hit me pretty hard... extreme sore throat, and fatigue... basically slept for days. But yes, I agree that the vaccines we've taken did help us from getting too sick. Do wear your mask when working around lots of people, we still do. It may not help... but it's better than doing nothing. Hope the worst is over and you are on the mend, dear friend.

Rita said...

So sorry to hear you got covid. Glad you seem to be recovering quickly. I still haven't had it and it's a scary thought. I've had all my vaccines--even got an extra one somewhere in there because of being vulnerable with cancer. Haven't gotten this latest one yet, though.
I really hope you continue to feel lots better and your covid test comes back clear. Hope the hubby doesn't get it. Yes, I think wearing a mask while you volunteer might be a really good idea. :) Hope you feel better every day!

Elephant's Child said...

I am so very sorry you got it, and totally relieved that you are now in recovery mode. Please don't rush back into full activity. Hugs