I stepped from Plank to Plank
A slow and cautious way
The Stars about my Head I felt
About my feet the Sea.

I knew not but the next
Would be my final inch -
This gave me that precarious Gait
Some call Experience.

Emily Dickinson, c. 1864

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Getting there

Last March in the Chuckanuts

Yes, another scene from last year's hiking, since I'm still not able to be out there myself at the moment. I especially liked seeing this picture, since I'm in it, looking happy and uninjured, and directly behind me is Karen, who led last Thursday's hike. She recounted her experience on the eleven-mile hike and how she was able to deal with leg cramps. I've had some minor experiences with them, but nothing like she felt. Fortunately for her, Chris, a strong and capable hiker, had some pickle juice in her stash. Yes, pickle juice! Have you ever heard of this? I hadn't, but then again, if given the chance I will always enjoy a dill pickle spear if one comes with a sandwich. I am fond of sour stuff anyway.

I looked online and found that there are plenty of different brands of pickle juice to choose from, but I am drawn to one that looks like a, well, pickle. The individual packets aren't very expensive, and it seems it would be a good idea to carry a couple for emergencies. It sure helped Karen: in just seconds, her cramps disappeared. Reading about the use of pickle juice for cramps, I learned that it seems it's truly magic: the juice helps almost instantaneously before it could actually get into your system. Hmpf. Color me skeptical.

I am getting better, but I am certainly not back to normal. I did walk to the bus and take it to town twice last week, going to the coffee shop and then over to the Senior Center before returning home the same way, by bus. But after two days doing this, my legs were sore and my back wasn't happy. I guess I should be pleased that I am doing as well as I am, but again, I never expected to be this old and slow. And I never expected to become a grumpy old complainer, either. That I can do something about: let's focus on the good around us, shall we?
Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better take things as they come along with patience and equanimity. —Carl Jung

It's true that I have been blessed with a truly happy existence. Just as most of us, I have experienced plenty of sadness and even misery, but mostly I have seen the brighter side of life. I've had a good career, from which I have retired; I have a wonderful partner who shares the ups and downs of the world with me;  sitting in my lap is a delightful instrument that connects me with the wider world; I have a lovely place to live (even if it's rented); I can ponder, think about things, and write blog posts like this one. That's just for starters: if I dig a little deeper, I can find many other reasons to be happy with the life I have today. So much better to look on the bright side. Why not? 

There is plenty to feel doom and gloom about, but there are also myriad ways to enjoy life, even when things are really dire. I remember years ago reading about people who found joy and compassion even when thrown into concentration camps with death all around them. They even had weddings and celebrated birthdays, glad to still be breathing. No matter how glorious our life, or how humble, we all one day reach our final days and take our last breath. To have had the incredible experience of life is to have already reached the summit. Standing on the edge of the precipice, looking out at the infinite landscape below us, we can be filled with joy and gratitude. Why not?

We get to choose whether we concentrate on the good stuff or the bad stuff. If I spent my entire day sitting with the laptop and reading the news of the day, I would be in despair and wallowing in the awfulness of life. But, conversely, if I spend my entire day reading inspiring stories and enjoying the company of family and friends, the world looks brighter and happier, and nothing changed except my attitude. Surrounding myself with what I want to experience is a tactic that works, even when I am still unable to run and jump and play. Yet.

My Sunday morning will look very different, too. John will not be coming to take me to breakfast, as he got a bad case of the flu last week. He had gotten his annual flu shot, but he was exposed to it, caught it and ended up very sick. He's 85, after all, and not in the best shape. He went to his doctor's and was given the antiviral tamiflu, which he says makes him feel worse when he takes it. But today is the last of the seven-day regimen, and then he will start to feel better. He got really walloped by it this time. I read that our area is having a real strong outbreak and that one should stay away from others as much as possible. I started wearing a mask when riding the bus (which I had stopped doing a while ago) and in crowded places. I sure don't want it; I got a flu shot in October and hope that it's still effective.

So there you have it. I am going to take a hot shower and then decide on what I will do with the rest of my day. It's strange not starting with my exercises, but each day I am closer to being able to resume my normal life. Perhaps this has been somewhat of a wake-up call, making me realize that things change, life moves on, and to stop and smell the proverbial flowers now and then. Until we meet again next week, dear friends, I wish you all good things. Be well.


Rita said...

So sorry to hear John has gotten so sick. This flu going around is bad and can be quite the lingerer, from the sounds of it. Stay well and feel better! :)

ApacheDug said...

I got a little excited for you when I saw that hiking photo! Well, I know recovery takes longer for the older folk, but I am convinced you'll get there soon. I liked this read DJan, a nice reminder that it's okay to focus on the brighter side of life. I'm sorry about your friend John, take care.

Rian said...

Yes, attitude does make a difference, DJan... and yours has always been good. I always remember the saying "The gloom of the world is but a shadow, yet within our reach, is joy. Take Joy!"
Sorry to hear that John is sick with the flu. DH thinks he had it... chills, aches, and felt bad... but only lasted about 48 hours. If it was the flu, (we had the flu shot in October too) possibly it kept it from being too bad.

Barbara Rogers said...

THat's wonderful that you can take bus rides to where you wish to go. I am slowly gaining strength and breath, after my last bout of fevers and then antibiotics which finally worked to curb the chronic cough! Knock on wood, and praise whatever energies are helping all in healing.

Far Side of Fifty said...

You are slowly getting better, that is good news. Hope you escape the flu, hope we do to. Yes lets all look on the sunny side of the street!!