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Coming down from Hannegan Pass |
I have always loved this picture, me gazing back down from the pass, on my way back from the summit. Well, maybe not the actual summit of Hannegan Peak, although I've climbed it three times over the years, but maybe just to the pass, where we usually stopped, had lunch and turned around, heading back the way we came.
I think the days of climbing that peak are behind me, but I might one day, maybe this summer, make the nine-mile hike to the pass and back. When I think of the peak, I can only remember lots of climbing, rocks, loose shale, and heat from the blazing sun. Obviously in this picture, we were not in full sun and probably didn't make the full eleven miles to the summit.
It was last Wednesday, the day after I was warned to be careful on the slippery and icy walk to the bus. Well, I shouldn't have been out there, because I slipped and fell backwards onto the hard driveway. But it was the metal water bottle, strapped to my right side, that caused some major damage to my pelvis. Yes, the same one that I broke in six places, shattering the right sacrum and losing an internal artery in the process. That was a quarter-century ago, but I have now been reminded of the pain I endured, since I am suffering once again. This time, however, I think the pain will diminish faster, and I am no longer needing that external fixator I wore for seven weeks.
When I went down this time, I landed right on my back, a little to the side, right on top of the metal bottle, and the pain was excruciating. A red-hot fire of pain. I lay there in shock, waiting for the pain to subside, so I could get up from the ground. Finally I stood and then carefully made my way back to the apartment, where SG slept, knowing little of what his next few days would look like. Once I made it to the bathroom and pulled up my shirt, I looked at my back in the mirror and saw no sign of the fall, but I could sure feel it. Thinking that I would be back to walking in a short time, I didn't panic, and I knew that if I had done any real damage that I could get to the Emergency Room within a few minutes if necessary.
That night, Wednesday, I attempted an uncomfortable sleep, but it wasn't to be: I was unable to get up by myself and needed help just to get out of bed and get to the bathroom. I was still feeling reassured, although I was stiffening up as time passed. I took a few Advil but otherwise just allowed myself to believe it would get better quickly. But Thursday night, once I went to bed, I was unable to get up by myself at all. And the pain was unremitting. My partner became my caregiver and had to help me as I would scream in pain if I moved a certain way. Once I made it to the bathroom successfully, I decided to spend the rest of the night in my recliner in the living room. Not much sleep, but I knew it was time to make a visit to the ER.
We are still in a cold snap, with the temperature, even with full sun, not reaching to freezing during the day. So Friday morning, I asked SG to drive me to the ER, once the sun had melted the ice and snow. We got there around 10:00am, and I went through the intake procedure and then waited for an X-ray. The triage nurse had given me some drugs for the pain, and I felt much better once they took effect. The anti-spasm medication helped a great deal. The X-ray showed no permanent damage. We filled the prescriptions, one for hydrocodone, an opiod, and one for a muscle relaxer. Also we got some lidocaine patches.
I was glad to learn that all my hip hardware is still in place, and realized that the soft tissue took the brunt of the fall, and that it will get better, but I need to remember that it takes awhile to heal when you're old. I cannot do my morning exercises yet, and I need to be careful hobbling to the bathroom or climbing into bed, but I was able to sleep for eight hours last night (not uninterrupted), thanks to the meds and the helpful ministrations of my sweet partner. I have had to wake him to help me get out of bed, but each night is a little better. It's only been three days, but they are long ones when you're in pain.
My friends Steve and John have been in the loop, both willing to help if necessary, but SG has been the best caregiver I could have hoped for. At first he slept as I rolled out of bed, got my feet on the ground, and then stood up to hobble to the bathroom. I managed to keep from waking him, but in the morning he woke before me, made me a cup of tea and settled me in the recliner before going back to bed. He is sleeping right now, and I feel bad that I've kept him up once again. But I am marginally better and hope that by this time next week I'll be functional. Other than the trip to the ER, I've been either in the recliner or the bed. He's taking such good care of me, but I am tired of being injured and unable to accomplish my normal routine.
Every four hours, I can take another muscle relaxer and Advil. I'm staying away from the opioid as much as possible, since I well remember how hard it was to get off the oxycontin that I took during the initial trauma. I made it, and I refuse to consider this drug as something I need. Frankly, the muscle relaxer and Advil are sufficient if I allow myself to be in some pain.
So here's my lesson for the future: listen to the voice of reason and stay home when you're unable to keep from falling on the ice. I pray that I will be back to some semblance of normality by this time next week. Until then, I'll be sitting in my recliner or tucked into bed by SG, warm and cozy and hopefully getting better. Until next week, dear friends, I wish you all good things. Take care of yourself and stay healthy!
Falls can be such nasty things and the older I get, the more I grow afraid of them. So sorry about the pain DJan, but also glad your hip hardware is still in place and no real wreckage has been done. Still, pain is pain. You are in my heart & thoughts, like always.
You are doing well, considering. So sorry to hear of all those moments/hours of pain...and you're smart to avoid the oxi as much as possible. A friend here fell and broke 3 ribs, and is over the halfway point of 6 weeks of healing...using Tylenol and ibuprofen every 6 hours constantly, and had a bit of oxi for four days. Keep on healing.
So sorry to hear this, DJan. At our annual wellness checks these days, they always ask you if you're afraid of falling... seems such a silly question. But I guess falling is dangerous at our age. Also think you are smart avoiding the oxy if you can. Glad SG is there to help. Here's hoping you heal quickly.
Sorry to hear about your fall. Hope you continue to improve everyday! How wonderful is SG anyway...tell him Thanks from me for taking such good care of you!
DJan, Wow, after reading your post, I’m taking this seriously: “So here's my lesson for the future: listen to the voice of reason and stay home when you're unable to keep from falling on the ice.” I think, in the past, my thoughts were always in that direction, but now, I will definitely be more careful. Sorry for all the suffering you’ve endured. I’m sending wishes for a full recovery soon. Take care my friend! John
So very glad your hip is okay! Falling on the ice gets more dangerous the older we get. Yes, thank SG for taking such good care of you. I hope you are feeling back to normal soon.
Oh Jan. So sorry you had that fall. After two falls from my bike, I know healing for a senior takes extra time. Take it easy. You’ll get back to your previous condition!
Well, darn, you are the one who is supposed to keep going. I am so thankful that your hip structure is not damaged. Soft tissue pain is hard enough, but usually mendable.
I expect to be sleeping in my recliner for a while yet. We are both fortunate to have such beloved care givers.
I have been afraid of falling for quite some time now and so far, with caution, have avoided them. I asked my PA on Friday if I could damage my knee by movement, and she said no, only falls could.
Hang on, stay upright, and be patient with your healing.
OH! I'm so sorry to hear about the nasty fall! Ice is so very treacherous. I'm happy that you have SG to help you as you heal.
When seniors fall , something is going to get injured and hurt. When we fall we are compleely out of control. I hope you recuperate rapidly.
I fell off my ebike last week before I'd ridden five feet! Fortunately, no damage except for a very large bruise on my leg. DJan, consider going on Amazon and buying a female urinal. It looks like a little pitcher and if you put if on your nightstand you won't have to walk to the bathroom at night. It's been a great help to me.
I’m so sorry to hear about your fall and the pain you're experiencing! It sounds like you’ve been through quite a bit with your injury. I’m glad to hear that your partner is being so supportive, and it’s good that there’s no permanent damage to your hip hardware. I can only imagine how frustrating it must be to be in recovery, especially with the colder weather. It’s great that you’re listening to your body and taking things one step at a time. I hope you continue to heal and are back to your normal routine soon. Take care and wishing you a speedy recovery!
Wow, I didn’t expect this to happen. But, I am glad you didn’t break any bones or joints. Speedy recovery!
Oh DJ, hope you recover from that quickly. That being said, take it easy and give yourself time. I know all about supportive caregivers, except mine is now going on for seven years1
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