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Fragrance Lake reflections |
Steve Jobs introduced the smartphone to the world in 2007, not much more than a decade ago, and now you rarely see anybody walking around without one, either staring down at the screen while sitting on the bus, hanging out in the coffee shop with heads bent over their phones, and very occasionally having a conversation with someone. What do people mostly do with their phones? I sometimes take a peek at a screen or two as I'm standing up to exit the bus, and I see some are watching movies, others shopping and looking at (for example) dresses, or texting, little balloons filled with words sent to carry on a written conversation with another. Or checking emails or Twitter accounts. Now that our bus system has onboard wifi, I often join them with my own phone, although I've already done all that before boarding, so I have little incentive to continue. We are tethered to our phones, in any event.
Last Thursday, my friend Melanie realized that she had lost her phone while hiking, and I learned that it's possible to locate your lost phone by logging into iCloud on another phone and putting in your own ID. I wrote about this on my other blog, but it still continues to astound me that it's even possible. We were able to backtrack and find the phone, which was hidden in bushes, but it is possible to instruct it to make a sound when you think you're close to it, and that's how we found it.
Once I got home, I pulled out my tablet, logged into iCloud, and discovered that it and my phone are located on a map! Although this is wonderful in one way, it also reminds me that technology knows where I am at all times, as I walk around with my phone in my pocket. The only way to remain incognito is to turn my phone all the way off, which of course I'm not going to do while out and taking pictures. When I'm in the High Country, we have no internet, so I guess that means I'm also not findable at those times.
When I think about it, there's no doubt that our lives are better off because of technology, but it's also impossible to keep up with it. I read recently that some voice activation technology can listen to you while you're going about your business at home. In fact, that's what much of it is designed to do. Fortunately, we don't (and won't) have any such thing in our own home, but many people are fine with it, wanting the convenience of simply talking to the device and turning on the TV to search for something they want to watch. It's all a bit scary to me.
We seem to be headed to more of the same, with self-driving cars a reality in my own lifetime. And that astonishes me. Of course, here I am sitting in my bed with a laptop as I write this post, early in the morning before the world comes awake, and I'll be able to send it out into the world with a touch on the screen. It will make its way across the planet, to my readers in Australia and Europe, as well as to those close by. It is a different world than even a few short years ago.
Yesterday, I just finished binge-watching the third season of The Crown on Netflix, about the reign of Queen Elizabeth. It is most enjoyable, and now I will have to wait for season 4 before taking it up again. I really like the ability to watch shows I enjoy when I choose to, rather than waiting for a pre-scheduled moment every week or so when a new episode is released. I have subscribed to Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and now Disney+. It makes for an incredible number of shows of all varieties to choose from, keeping me not only informed and entertained, but also overwhelmed at times. But it's also on my own personal schedule, rather than a network's, which is delightful.
So, technology has its pluses and minuses, as do most things in life, but keeping up with it all is almost impossible. Without the assistance of my friends, who point me in various directions when needed, I'd never be able to figure out how to proceed. It was our leader, Al, who introduced me to the advantages of iCloud last Thursday, and I'm passing on the information to you, who might not have known about it either. Who would have guessed that we would be talking about clouds in such a manner? Although I can literally say I've seen clouds from both sides now, I have just been introduced to the electronic cloud as well.
Success in creating artificial intelligence (AI) would be the biggest event in human history. Unfortunately, it might also be the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risks. —Stephen Hawking
* * *
A week ago I had a most enjoyable birthday, from start to finish it was exceptional. Now I am seventy-seven and seven days old, and I'm feeling incredibly blessed as I find my way through these next days, weeks, and months. It would be possible to focus on what is difficult in life these days, but it's also quite possible to be optimistic and delight in the world around me. As I continue my journey towards letting go of habits and daily chores that bind me, I find that each day I wake with hope and joy in my heart. This Advent season moves inexorably towards the shortest day and the longest night of the year, but in compensation I see holiday lights everywhere, and it seems I see more smiles and happiness on the faces of those around me. Maybe they are reacting to my own smiling face, but for whatever reason, life is good and filled with love and laughter.And that is what I will leave you with today, my dear readers: hope that your own days ahead will be filled with much of the same joy. My dear life partner still sleeps next to me, my tea is gone, and the coffee shop beckons. Until we meet again next week, I wish you all good things.
As I read your blog I realize that you create your own joyful world. You are very good at that! The AI has taken over and while we fear it, the young ones do not mind having every aspect of their life displayed for all!
We don't own any cell phones and most think we are homeless and in poverty..we have a landline only and when I am out and about I get a big chuckle of how people behave and their loud talking on a phone..we don't go to movies because people seem to think it is okay to ruin a movie with their phones all the time, thanks to god we get tons of movies sent to us from our only child who works for a film company..most movies I would never spend a dime for but watching them is oky doky..we are outside most days and it rains a lot here in this part of the pacific northwest in Washington state, our only graduated from western Washington and we were up there a lot, I was not impressed I met only wealthy people and their children and they were so snobby no thank you, we go to eastern Washington all the time and love it, give me some sunshine and down to earth people anytme and yes people hike and bike there, we go to the beach a little not impressed too many casinos, the state has tons of those, well read your sunday blog, you are very fortunate as rents in b h am ad I call Bellingham are ridiculous, the university basically carries the place but it seems you enjoy it, we lived in Colorado and went back a lot when back to visit a lot when our only was young the state and city has changed so very much, glad we live out here, to each their own..77 is young I live around 2 people nearing hundred and 5 more in their middle 90's and we walk a lot and enjoy their friendships, peace to you..
I have iCloud installed on my new pc's so my iPhone photos go directly to their picture storage. Very convenient. I actually find some comfort in knowing I can be found by the cloud, just in case I get to that point where I wander off with no idea where I am. :-)
I have been up close and personal with technology lately, and, yes, it is hard to keep up, but I think we all acquire the amount of knowledge we need to. There is so much our computers can do that I will probably never find a use for, but if I do, I'll learn that too.
I do love my smart phone. It knows everything! I too marvel that we carry a computer in our pocket.
I still can't really understand how I can dial my brother's number while he cavorts around Florida and the call goes through. I still haven't gotten over "how does it find him?" The iCloud sounds both really handy and a tad invasive. I don't have a smart phone but do have a cell though there is no signal where I live. I use it only for emergencies when out and about.
I can remember years ago the prediction that we would someday be able to watch any TV show we wanted, when we wanted. Shook my head then but it is common now. Wonder what will be next?
Technology frequently overwhelms me. There are indeed huge benefits, but the flip side is also there.
I am so glad that you had a delightful birthday, and hope the year continues to match it.
I only use my mobile for taking pictures. It's not for phone use.
I suppose someone could be listening at our house all the time...Alexa is part of Fire TV...we must be real exciting! I will have to ask our daughter if she can tell where we are? I know she could tell if her husband stopped by the doughnut shop on his way to work. Who knows as you found out last week finding the location of an I phone can be a good thing and as expensive as they are...that is a really good thing.
I do not use my phone for much...for Far Guy to call me...for me to text him that I am in the parking lots waiting for him after his rehab appts. I take it with me when I am mowing at my brothers just incase the mower quits! So I guess I don't use mine much. Not surprising as I hate phones.
I hope you have a wonderful week! I just made menus for the week and a list of stuff to accomplish tomorrow. It is going to turn REALLY COLD here so I best be organized. :)
We don't have an Echo, Alexa or any of that; The Husband would not stand for it (and I kind of don't blame him) - but what he doesn't realize is that his Android, his iPhone and my Android all are listening all the time...unless we turn them completely off. Of course, our lives our pretty boring, and there are some pretty hilarious conversations, so Google and Apple can listen in...they won't be hearing anything exciting.
I love technology and am constantly amazed at how far it has come in such a short time. I know that most kids today have no idea what life was like when I was younger; they would think I was deprived; not understanding that we just didn't have the things they take for granted.
I cannot wait to get to the next season of The Crown - but it must wait, as I'm in the last few episodes of The Walking Dead; yes, I'm late to the party on this one but I love it. I will say I do have to hide my eyes from most of the gore, but the story line is excellent.
Have a wonderful week, DJan. Sending much love and hugs.
It still surprises me that I can write something to you on my laptop and you can see it almost instantaneously. Remember when we waited to make a long distance phone call "until after 5"?
I only use my cell phone for emergencies. It is rarely on. My husband uses his more, for photos, etc but rarely for phone calls. Our land line is our phone. I can’t see the need of being available every minute of the day. How did we ever manage before?
I really like your introduction to this post. I'm far behind you in technology but I realize that developments in technology take place at an ever increasing rate. I will do my best to keep in the game
What an uplifting, and informative post! Happy Birthday DJan! You are a remarkable woman who never ceases to give me pause for thought, and that is always good. Merry Christmas dear one, and I am sending hope to you for an adventure-filled year ahead. :)
I'm late to wish you happy birthday but, happy birthday. I'm enjoying reading your blog. Technology, love it and hate it equally.
Jan, you know just how rare it is for me to comment, or even say anything online... however, that was a remarkable post. Awesome, Happy Birthday, and I Love you so much. You're amazing!
I relate to this post and the technology that is frustrating to me, but also great to have for TV shows like the Crown which I really enjoy. I am also a big fan of Outlander series.
But just last night I tried to get CC on my smart TV and somehow got audio with a voice narrating every move the actors made and their voices as well plus closed captions. I DON'T KNOW HOW THAT HAPPENED, and can't find how to stop it. That is when I hate new technology.
I have a smart phone that I can't use even for photos now. I take photos and they disappear never to be seen again. So I have gone back to my point and shoot which I download on my computer and edit as I wish. My blogs are about the only things that have stayed manageable for me in the past year. Got a new laptop with so much new stuff I haven't managed yet, and now have several older machines I want to sell or find homes for because they still work, but are not up to date with new programs.
Glad your birthday did not bring you down. Can't say that for me. But I have adjusted, accepted now and look forward to 2010. Love your blog as always.
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