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Fragrance Lake last week |
When you look at this picture of Fragrance Lake, you can see that the reflections are almost as clear as the trees, but they are distorted in the reflection by the wind disturbing the surface of the water. Sometimes when I awaken from a dream, everything seems normal, but as the day begins to dawn, my perception also changes, and the dream fades as reality reasserts itself. Or, I should say, what I think is reality. Who knows for sure?
Once upon a time, I dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was conscious only of my happiness as a butterfly, unaware that I was myself. Soon I awaked, and there I was, veritably myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am a man.― Zhuangzi
When I first learned of this quote, I recognized the truth of it immediately. I have had dreams that were as real as anything I've experienced in my waking moments. I have memories from some of those dreams that feel like they actually occurred. Maybe they did, and this habit I have of sitting with my laptop and tapping on the keys is no more than a fantasy. This whole idea has fascinated me for as long as I can remember.
The idea of time travel has also fascinated me forever. When I look at the pictures emanating from the new Webb telescope, looking at galaxies and stars whose light is reaching my eyes after a journey that takes millions of years, I can't help but wonder what they look like now. I'm looking into the past and have no way to see anything else. Or am I? Just like a dream, reality is not separate from my perception of it. Sages throughout history have told us that what we think is real is just an illusion, but if that's true, what actually is "real"? Inquiring minds want to know!
I think I mentioned here awhile ago that I have started a meditation practice, and for months now I have not missed a day without sitting quietly and following my breath. Of course thoughts intrude, but I've mostly managed to let them drift through my consciousness and let them go, and often I am simply amazed that a quarter of an hour has passed when my timer goes off. Surprised, I also realize that I am experiencing a peacefulness in a way I don't at any other time. Before I finish emerging from my twenty-minute-long meditation, I spend some time reciting some Buddhist prayers for the benefit of all humankind. At first I had to read them, but now they are part of me. They feel somehow more "real" after a quiet meditation period.
Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes. —Carl Jung
Am I more awake afterwards? Something is different, but I cannot say what it is. And although I'd like to expand my meditation practice, it doesn't seem necessary at this point in my evolution. I'd just like to be able to remember what is important and let the rest go, just as I do the thoughts that emerge while counting my breaths. It simply staggers my mind to realize that I'm breathing all the time and am usually unaware of it. When I focus my attention, that breath is always there, a perfect way to build concentration. At first, I'd sometimes realize that I had captured a thought and stopped counting my breaths, but that happens less and less often these days.
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1983 in our parents' back yard |
Looking at this forty-year-old picture of me along with my siblings is a bit like peering into a telescope and seeing the past. We are arranged in birth order, with me wearing a skirt, of all things, and Norma Jean next to me, looking like a model. PJ died in 2014 of heart disease, which has taken so many members of my family. Our lone brother, Buz, begins the second family, so to speak, since he was born when I was sixteen, while the two youngest, Markee and Fia, were both born after I had married and moved away. Fia is almost exactly twenty years younger than me. None of us look like this anymore, of course. When I look at distant galaxies and wonder what they look like now, there is no way to know. But my family, my beautiful siblings, are still (except PJ) able to be seen as they are today. Looking at this picture, however, is a little bit like taking a spaceship back through time.
We live in an exciting time in the history of the world, don't you think? I am able to sit here in the dark, communicating my thoughts through the ether and will share them with you as soon as I hit "publish." Each of us exists in our own corner of the universe, but we can share our lives as if we were neighbors or family. We are truly connected. Some of us are dreamers and have our heads in the clouds, but others are more pragmatic and live in the here and now. There is no better or worse here, just difference, and variety makes life so much more interesting. I am thrilled that you, my dear reader, are part of my life, and that I will get to spend some time reading about your current lives. Many of you have been with me for years, and others have just recently hopped on the bandwagon, but all of you are precious and irreplaceable to me.
And now it's time to wind things up here, so I can get on with my day. My dear partner still sleeps next to me, probably dreaming of something that has the soundtrack of the tapping of keystrokes. Some of you have asked how he is doing, now that it's been two years since he experienced that stroke and has subsequently developed a few other issues. I can tell you that he is doing very well indeed, and continues to be my rock, my touchstone. He is closely monitored by his physician. Although we are getting up in years, we are blessed to be as healthy as we currently are.
With that, I will sign off here, and wish you, every one, the very best of days and weeks ahead. And that your heart will find some time to be filled with happiness. Until we meet here again next week, I hope that all good things will come to you. Be well, dear friends.
After reading about your experience with dreaming and your comments about reality, I’ve got to wonder if you’ve studied about OBEs (Out-of-body experiences). OBEs provide information that teaches us about ourselves as multidimensional beings. The core of these experiences is self-awareness. They take us beyond the limited scope of our five physical senses and open us to the higher dimensional aspects of ourselves. Here is a link to more info ...
I sure enjoyed today’s post and thanks for the update on SG. Happy to hear he is doing very well. Wishing you and SG a happy week ahead!
DJan, what a terrific photo of you and your siblings! It was nice catching up with them so to speak, and SG too. I'll probably be coming back here a few time today just to look at that family pic again, it's that great. Well, I lost my own bet as I thought for sure you'd be writing about the Artemis rocket launch tomorrow. But your talk of the James Webb scope still puts us out there. Honestly, I look at those same images and it staggers the imagination that we're seeing stars and galaxies from billions of years ago. What has changed since then.. as for your talk of dreams, last night I was watching one of those silly marvel superhero movies, doctor Strange strange and the multiverse. In the storyline, he learned that when you dream you are seeing alternate realities that contain alternate versions of you. Intriguing thought, isn't it? And on that note I wish you a good week ahead. 🙂
You said, "what actually is "real"?" Perhaps nothing? Maybe our lives are just an illusion... like a continuous film playing itself out? And like an old film, we can possibly go back and replay it one day (time travel) - not really going back in time - just learning to rewind a film or replay a recording like we do with TV shows these days.
And you are right that looking back on old pictures is like a look back into another life - one that doesn't seem that long ago - but was a lifetime ago for many of us.
And imagine the technology that has developed in our short lifetimes going further into another hundred years (if we don't destroy our world between now and then)? Well, weighing the good and bad, I'm still glad to have had the chance to be here, to experience the changes, and to be able to share this with you and other bloggers. I talk about each of you like I know you... and only really know you from your blogs. But you are very real friends to me.
And by the way, I love that pic of you and your siblings too!
You have interesting wandering wonderings. My mental wandering are much more prosaic. 😀
Thanks for this update on SG.
Your post was particularly pertinent for me this morning. Last night I had a dream that for quite some time I was unsure whether it was 'real' or not. A dream that is still with me.
Like you I have very vivid dreams and years ago I wondered just which life was real or did it even matter. I was grateful for the extra aware time. Now the difference is easier to discern. The real me has a fairly frail body while the dream me is totally unimpaired. Kind of like that one especially when I run or fly with ease. Yep, I'm a flier.
So glad SG is doing so well and had to smile at his dreams being ruled by the tapping of keys. I know several of my dreams have been directed by an outside noise.
Thank you for that photo of you and your siblings! It tells me a lot about your life. As they say, sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words.
It's after 1:00 here now in this sunny, cool but warming up Sunday. My morning has been taken up with staying mobile - PT and stationary bike. I slept in after finally getting a good night's sleep. I have been out to the garden to pick a little bouquet of sweet peas which now add fragrance to the house. When I sign off here I will be ready for a late lunch and the Sunday paper.
About dreams: I seldom dream but when I do they are usually frustration dreams or nightmares. Not fun. You are fortunate.
I have always wondered about dreams. I don’t remember them and feel like I am missing out on a part of life so many can speak about.
Love the photo with your siblings. Hard to believe it was taken so long ago. Family photos fascinate me. They are a glimpse into one’s life and the people who helped form us. Orthodox order is an interesting factor in one’s life for sure.
Have a great week, Jan.
Happy Sunday, DJan! Love the picture of the siblings. I am especially pleased to hear that SG is doing well. Have a wonderful week.
Thank you for the update on your Smart Guy! Give him my best wishes! Hope you are having a peaceful Sunday! We needed some R and R and went off on the trails...nature is so calming:) You have to do what works for you to remain centered and in balance!
The key comment is that there is no better or worse. the world gets hung up on that concept. Nice analogy of your family and distant time in space.
I loved your "reflections" starting with the photo. Yes, breath is amazing. In fact, it is the theme of the new book I'm working on.
My dreams can be vivid, but rarely do I remember them.
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